Tuesday 21 February 2012

How To Get 10,000 You Tube Views This Week Part 1

So you wanna get 10,000 REAL views on your Youtube video! Great! These Training Posts will show you 14 surefire ways to explode your views and subscriber count in a short time.

There are many reasons why you may want more views to your videos. It could be that you’re in business or just simply want to be famous. Whatever it is, video is the greatest promotion tool on the net.

You can leverage the power of video to get people’s attention and win customers and fans. This guide will help you get more views and subscribers to help build your fan base.

In order to get 10,000 views, there are many factors that come into. There is usually not just one factor alone that will be responsible for your video getting 10,000 views alone.

For the most of us Youtubers, your views will come from all over the web, not just from one source.

Some will come directly from YouTube and some will come from other sites so be willing to spread your efforts and you will get the views you’re chasing. Remember, the more effort you put in, the more you get out.

If you can make a totally awesome video that goes viral like the Ken Block Gymkhana videos or have some kind of famous, cute, funny person or big breasted woman starring in your video, your job of getting people to view and share it is going to be easy!

Once a video goes viral, there is pretty much no stopping it. Some of the most popular viral videos on YouTube have over 600 MILLION views!

  If you’re not Justin Bieber, you’re going to have to do a little more “work” and rely on a collection of other factors to get views.

If you’re lucky, maybe somewhere along the way,  your video might get picked up by some big websites or big people online and it will go viral, but don’t hold your breath.
Make the videos you want to make and share them using these tips. I can’t guarantee you’ll get 10,000 straight away, or even in your first week, but if you use any or all of these tips, you might be surprised.

1. Write An Interesting & Descriptive Title For Your Video

When you are inside your YouTube account and have uploaded your video, you will be asked to fill in some fields to describe your video. The first one being your video title.
Be as descriptive and cool as possible when writing your title for your video.

Youtube and humans can’t tell what is actually in your video before they watch it, so you have to let them know as best you can with your title.
The words in your title determine how Youtube lists your video in the search results when someone performs a search. And not only the Youtube search results look at the words in your title, but also Google and other search engines will list your video according to the “keywords” in your title.
Usually, one or two word titles are not enough and seem boring and don’t give a clear explanation to the viewer.
Instead of writing “soccer” as the title, write a more detailed one such as “Playing Soccer at Garden Square Stadium”.
Another point is the capitalize the first letter of every word in the title. This makes it stand out more so people are more likely to click on your video over someone else’s.
And don’t be afraid to get a little creative when you write your video title. An interesting title will get a lot more clicks than a boring title. Just make sure you still are detailed in the description and not be misleading.

2. Write A “Descriptive” Description

Along with a descriptive title, your video description should contain descriptive words to explain your video even more.
Your description doesn’t need to be very long. On average just a paragraph or two explaining the contents of your video and any details about it you want viewers to know about it.  
Also, you should try to contain your “keywords” (words that when people search for will find your video) in this area.
Adding “keywords” into your description (as with the title) is very important for your video coming up in the search results. If you have the same keywords as you title, then Youtube will know that your video is definitely about “your keyword” e.g. “playing soccer” “garden square stadium”.

A bit of a ninja tactic with your description is that you can add your website URL (address) and it will turn into a clickable hyperlink.
Just make sure it starts with http:// and it will be clickable. This is only if you want people to go to another page after watching your video so if you don’t have a website of your own, you don’t need to worry about this.

3. Add Keywords In Your Tags

Again on the topic of Keywords, you’ll see when you go to upload your video, a field where you can add tags or keywords.
These are also used to find and list your video in the search results when a user goes to search.
So again, you’ll want to add as many relevant keywords in here that you want. You don’t need to go overboard here.
A good number is about 5 to 10 keywords. Anything more than that and you’ll look spammy.

  Youtube tells you that you can separate your tags with spaces. For example, if you type in the tags field like this: play soccer garden square stadium; you will get 5 different keywords.
1. play
2. soccer
3. garden
4. square
5. stadium
But what if your keyword is more than one word.. or a string of words?
e.g. “garden square stadium”
Here’s a trick to get a multi-word keyword show up as a single keyword.
If you type your keywords between quote marks, like this: “twitter marketing” “make money” “mlm lead system”; then you’ll get groups of words that will end up as single multi-word tags.

  This whole thing about “keywords” and “tags” and getting your video to show up in the top of the search engines (youtube and google) is related to the big picture of internet marketing and SEO (search engine optimization).

This is the software I Use To Do All Of This In Minutes http://weeurl.co/qb

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